Monday, March 17, 2008

Well done brother, well done

Barely able to hold back the nervous shakes and unable to take a good solid breath, he turns to the man beside him. With Deliberate concentration and much focus, he manages to push out, if almost inaudibly,

"I don't think I'm going to make it"

.... or something along those lines. But a moment later, all is forgotten as all eyes turn and focus on the now filled doorway at the rear of the room. The barely heard music is all that breaks the silence as she is slowly led down the newly flowered aisle towards the now utterly breathless man that is waiting for her. It seemed like hours, and yet their eyes never left each other. Neither his, nor hers looked at anything else. Another song begins and ends with them barely noticing. The only thought running through their minds is that of each other.

I can honestly say that I've never seen so much love in my entire life. Nor have i seen my eldest brother Bjorn more vulnerable at the same time. All of this made possible by the beautiful woman now standing in front of him. I had the honor and privilege of being a groomsman at my brothers wedding this last weekend and nothing could have made me more happy at that moment than to participate in their day.

I've always looked up to Bjorn, whether I openly admit it or not he has always been a role model to me. From sticking feathers in his hat, to his incredible work ethic and now seeing how he treats his newly wed wife Allison, his character has always been something to be desired. He makes me want to be a better man. He is someone I am glad to call brother.

Perhaps playing a part in the wedding has caused me to be slightly more emotional than normal, but the new addition to the family has made me appreciate all of them that much more. I love my family and I know I don't express that to them enough, but I also know that each time we get together I end up appreciating them more and more. Perhaps I should be telling them this instead of writing it to the minuscule amount of people who may or may not actually read this.

All in all, the wedding was easily the most beautiful thing I have yet to witness, pulling slightly ahead of the girls that I got to dance with (horray for shameless compliments... again something I should be saying and not writing....)

It was a weekend of firsts. First time dancing, first time trying an alcoholic beverage and the first time I really appreciated the Alberta landscape and especially the people. Three of my biggest misconceptions utterly shattered... I'm glad it happened.

Oh yeah, just so you know, dancing does NOT lead to sex...

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Midnight Realizations


It's as simple as that.

You don't have to accomplish or succeed...
The pharisee's did that most admirably.

Just try.

That's all He wants.