Saturday, November 18, 2006

Attractive Currency

So im going to be gone this weekend. Even so, here's the question of the week. Ask a Dad, brother, guy friend near you.

How do you, as a husband/brother/friend, think women are viewed in todays sexually twisted society? and what are some ways that we can show respect to the woman around us?

Would love to hear what you guys think.


Karl said...


Jumo said...

Again, I want to try and bring some balance into the answer of this question. There are many groups of people in our society that have very different viewpoints and thoughts towards women. If we said that society as a whole thinks women are pieces of meat, for example, then we would be putting words into the mouths of millions of people without realizing the full truth of what people actually thought and believed. There has to be balance when we view the world, our tendancy is to jump to conclusions and go to extremes because that justifies the emotional rollercoaster that we love to ride. The book of Ecc. says that "It is good to grasp the one and not let go of the other. The man who fears God will avoid all extremes." (Ecc. Ch. 7)

I didn't answer your question, but hopefully still made a contribution.


Jumo said...

I also believe that the media has taken our sexual desire for women and peverted it into wants. Those wants create in us a desire and that desire gives birth to a need. This is the genius of advertising. Money is the root of all evil, and the image of women that media has created has flawed the true beauty of women. We are taught at a very young age that beauty does not come from the inside but resides skin deep. We don't even realize it and yet we accept it as truth.

The only way I know how to respect women, is to treat them like a man. It is the only way I can bring balance to what I see as a lust-driven perception and drive. I can imagine how I should treat a girl by reading the relationship between Christ and the church in the bible. But I have a long way to go before I can apply that to my life in a real way because of my past and the mindsets that have cemented themselves in my life.
