Monday, October 16, 2006

Law of Nature

So, I like to read. That may suprise a fair number of you, but i cannot go to sleep at night unless i read atleast for half an hour. I have been slowly running out of things to occupy my "getting tired for bed" stage, so i decided to go to Chapters one evening. While there, I looked for books by many of my favorite authors, to my dismay, Chapters doesn't hold many of there books(atleast not the ones i wanted to buy). I still wandered around and soon found myself by the Religious/Christian shelf, where upon i found many many books by the wonderful author known as C.S. Lewis.

At this point in time i started to wonder, "do i really need anymore books? can i really afford it at this moment in my life?" Part of me(my brain) wanted something new to read, where as the other part(ummm.. other part of brain) told me to use my better judgement(some hidden part of the brain that no one has yet to find) and not buy any books. Moments later i walked out with 4 new books(The Four Loves, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity).

I am currently reading "Mere Christianity". And im finding it rather interesting that the very first words that he says are not Jesus, God, or any other word/description of the Overlord that a majority of non-christians view our savior as. Instead he goes on to explain the "Law of Nature".

Now don't get the wrong idea here, Mr. Lewis is not talking about actual Nature. As in trees and plants and small funal spores that are so tiny you cannot see them yet are powerful enough to bring down a full grown bull elephant. What Mr. Lewis is talking about is that no matter how old or young a person is, no matter what his upbringing was, no matter where they were from, all humans have atleast some sort of sense of right and wrong. He goes on to say that even though, deep down inside, all people have this knowledge of right and wrong.... we(christian and non-christian) most of the time chose the wrong.

It could be little things. It could be BIG things. In the end it doesn't really matter, it all goes to show that we as human beings are evil to the core. Mr. Lewis is only telling us what we already know.... that we are full of sin.

I think this is a most interesting thing that he does. He doesn't try to prove that God exists right off the bat. He proves that no one is perfect, and that each and every one of us is dirty to the core. So far i have only read the first 2 chapters, but writing all of this jibber jabber is for some reason making understanding the book that much easier. And I am quite excited to get to the part of hope and love.

Humans = Sin

Good day to you all.


* shaina * * said...

i absolutely love your logic. it is truly always best to leave a book store in complete abandon to your "better senses" and steeped in the euphoria that only the scent and the weight of a new book can bring :) and again, with the books i've always wanted to're going to have to make me up a library card to the library of karl...

Jumo said...

Karl bro, it's one thing reading about an author that you've never met. But reading something that was written by a friend, someone you know and have been friends with, brings more joy and tears to my eyes than any book I've ever read. Keep writing Karl, you are awesome! Keep sharing your heart.

-Your bro, Jumo